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The pictures and Contents in  have been obtained from various internet sources like Dinamalar, Dinakaran, Thatstamil, Malaimalar, Dinamani, dailythanthi, thinaboomi, thinakural, viduthalai, virakesari, uthayan, tamilnesan, maalaisudar, BBC Tamil, Webdunia Tamil,, seithy, pathivu, yarl, tamilnatham, keetru, sankathi, Nakkheeeran and other online news channels. The copyright of these contents /pictures belongs to their original publisher / photographer.

All the pictures on this web-site Tamilvirucham are assumed to be taken from public domain unless otherwise mentioned. The copyright (if any) of these Contents/ pictures belongs to their original publisher / photographer / copyright holder as the case may be.

If anybody has reservations / objection on the use of these images or find any copy-righted material on this site, then please contact us giving detail of copy right etc. In case, the objection is found to be appropriate, the offensive material / pictures will be removed from this site immediately.

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